Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home Based Lesson (HBL) Literature for Sec 2E and 2N

If you have been directed to this site, you know you are to complete one assignment for this week. Please complete all questions for the task neatly.


Lesson #1 (1.5hrs)

Lesson objective: To introduce students to how to write a critical appreciation of a text.

Resources: Extract from “Jamaica Inn” by Daphne du Maurier (See the next post).

Instructions to students:

1) Read the extract in the next post and answer all the questions that follow on a piece of foolscap.

Lesson deliverable: Hand in your work to your Literature teacher once you return to school. If you are from 2E6, hand in your work to Ms Jumiah.

Prose - HBL_Literature_Sec 2EN_Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier

APPENDIX – Extract from “Jamaica Inn” by Daphne du Maurier

Joss was a great husk of a man; nearly seven feet high, with a creased black brow and a skin the colour of a gipsy. His thick dark hair fell over his eyes in a fringe and hung about his ears. He looked as if he had the strength of a horse, with immense powerful shoulders, long arms that reached almost to his knees, and fists like hams. His frame was so big that in a sense his head was dwarfed, and sunk between his shoulders, giving that half-stooping impression of a giant gorilla, with his black eyebrows and his mat of hair...his nose was hooked, curving to a mouth that might have been perfect once but was now sunken and fallen, and there was still something fine about his dark eyes, inspite of the lines and pouches and red flecks.

The best things left to him were his teeth, which were all good still, and very white, so that when he smiled they showed up clearly against the tan of his face, giving him the thin and hungry look of a wolf.

Answer ALL the following questions. Quote briefly from the passage when you need to give evidence. Complete all answers on foolscap and hand in the work to your Literature teacher when you return to school.


1. What is your impression of Joss? Give ONE adjective to describe him and provide a reason why.

2. du Maurier uses imagery from the animal kingdom. Give ONE reason why she may have done this.

3. List all the animal imagery from the passage. Why did she choose these particular animals? Are they chosen merely for their physical qualities or could there be other reasons for her choice? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Are Joss's qualities positive or negative? What do you think is her opinion of Joss?

5. Do you think she has used her images effectively? Why do you say so? Would you want Joss to be your best friend? Why?


6. Now put all that you have written in about 150 to 250 words. This is called a critical appreciation of the passage or text. Remember to write in paragraphs. You may use your answer for qn 1 in paragraph 1, qns 2-3 for paragraph 2, and qns 4-5 for paragraph 3.