Thursday, April 23, 2009

Presentation Day 24 April

GLUE everything together coherently!

1. Make sure your ppt can open.
2. Save the ppt in the file titled 2E4 Lit PPT
3. Make sure your 2 presenters are at the right places
4. Make sure your playground is in order and the 'playground' presenter is seated with the examiner. Answer everything the examiner asks you. Explain and show the elements that are relevant to your presentation when the examiner asks for it.
5. Hand in the reflections to your examiner before your presentation.
Other requirements:
1. Label your playground with your names and target group on the front.
2. Place all playgrounds in the inner corridor neatly so I can mark the 3D design next week.
3. Make sure your class is arranged neatly for exam purpose - 6 by 7 seats BEFORE you leave the class.
Examiner: Ms Linda Yew.

1 comment:

  1. Hi miss jumiah, this is Ariel and Carnie.
    We have edited some posts on our blog and were hoping you might like o view them.

    Our reflection for research on our target group on post Friday April 10th 2009 at the bottom.

    Our 150words target review at another separate post on Freday 10th April 2009 at the bottom of the post.

    Materials provided by whom and how they were reused, recycled and reduced on Saturday 11th April 2009 also at the bottom of the post.

    Connecting our playground to our target group and novel, 'Bridge to Terabithia' on Saturday 25th April 2009.

    Aerial and Side view of 3D layground, reasons why our playground was designed this way, our special features on Saturday 25th April 2009.
